Dress Line "Dress Shirts"

Allow me to introduce The Dressing Lab's custom order menu item, "Dress Shirts". Dress shirts, traditionally worn under suits, are undergarments. Being the closest layer to the skin, they must be comfortable, not restrict movement in the suit, and also look impeccable.

It's often said, "The comfort of a shirt is 70% fabric and 30% tailoring". Though opinions may vary, the importance of fabric is undeniable. Our store primarily selects skin-friendly materials made entirely of natural fibers like cotton and linen. Except for some shape-retaining materials, we avoid using adhesives in collars and cuffs to maintain the fabric's natural softness. To preserve this quality and prevent shrinkage, we recommend a starch-free finish when cleaning.

We offer five types of cuffs and nine collar styles. Customization beyond these standard designs is also possible. Our selection includes classic, timeless designs that perfectly complement our suits and jackets.

Our shirts feature "outer dimensions" in the collars and cuffs. This means, for example, the outer part of the collar or cuff is cut longer than the inner part to fit smoothly around curved areas like the neck or wrists. This results in a snug fit on the inside and a crisp appearance on the outside. However, this makes cutting and sewing more labor-intensive, and such shirts are more challenging to iron. To properly iron these shirts, start from one end, iron half, then gently stretch the extra fabric (outer dimensions) while ironing the other half to avoid wrinkles. This is why well-tailored shirts are known to be difficult to iron.

Innovation extends to the back of the shirt as well. Our dress shirts feature a "split yoke", where two bias-cut pieces are sewn together at the center of the back. This is more material and labor-intensive than a single-piece yoke, but the bias-cut fabric offers more elasticity, enhancing shoulder mobility. For patterned fabrics like stripes, the split yoke creates an aesthetically pleasing effect.

We employ gathers at the back, sleeve joints, and base of the cuffs. These gathers not only increase ease of movement but also add a classic and elegant detail.

curved cuffs

Our cuffs are designed as "curved cuffs", gently arched rather than straight. The peak of this curve aligns with the front of the body when the arms are down, allowing the cuffs to elegantly show under the jacket sleeves. The design also minimizes interference with wrist movement, balancing aesthetics with comfort.

While many may wear undershirts with dress shirts, especially during warmer months, we recommend experiencing the comfort of our shirts directly on your skin. To minimize seam interference, we use as few seams as possible and employ a narrow, flat-felled seam technique. The design ensures no discomfort from collar and yoke seams.

Our sleeve attachment and armholes are also crafted with care. Unlike typical shirts, our sleeves are set-in separately for ease of movement, creating a more forward-positioned and comfortable sleeve.

Attention to Sleeve Attachment and Armholes

Our focus on compact armholes ensures that when worn under our similarly designed compact armhole jackets, there is no bunching or restriction of movement in the jacket. Shirts with well-fitted armholes are easier to move in, especially when raising the arms, as the sleeves do not catch, preventing the shirttail from coming out of the pants. Those who often find their shirttails untucked should definitely try our shirts with fitted armholes.

The Dressing Lab's custom shirts, known for their fit and stylish appearance, are also surprisingly comfortable to wear. With ergonomically designed collars and cuffs that gently fit around the neck and wrists, ample room across the back and shoulders, and well-fitted armholes and chest, these features combine aesthetic functionality with a sleek look. They ensure comfort without any feeling of constraint or difficulty in movement. We invite you to experience the comfort of The Dressing Lab's dress shirts. We also offer casual "Sports Shirts" for your selection.

Dress Shirts
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The Dressing Lab specializes in bespoke tailoring. While we can tailor most items given some time, we do not have ready-to-wear garments available for immediate purchase.
We deal exclusively in high-quality custom-made items, requiring at least one month for completion of any piece. For those desiring bespoke services or in cases where fittings are necessary due to body shape, it may be required to visit our salon 2 to 3 times.
We kindly ask for your understanding of the above conditions before placing an order. We eagerly await your consultations and reservations.
*Please make sure to reserve an appointment before visiting our store.
We gladly welcome appointments for consultations or viewings, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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