This is an appointment-only establishment. Please book your desired visit date through this link.

Thank you very much for considering making a reservation at our store. We sincerely look forward to meeting you. Please read the information below and proceed with your reservation.
- We are also happy to accommodate walk-in visits for browsing. Please feel free to contact us.
- Our business hours are from 13:00 to 19:00, and we are closed on Sundays and Mondays.
- Due to the increasing number of reservations, we may not be able to accommodate your desired date and time. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please provide up to your second choice for dates after Wednesday, March 19 .
- If you can provide more than three preferred dates and times, please include them in the request section.
- If your preferred reservation date and time is already booked, we will contact you later by email to propose alternative dates and times close to your preferences and inquire about your availability.
- We will send our responses to reservation requests via email. If you are using a carrier email (such as,,, or, your initial settings may reject emails from computers. Please make sure to set [] as an approved sender to receive our emails. If your spam filter settings reject spoofed, forwarded emails, or URL links, you may not receive our emails even with domain-specific settings. Please check your settings accordingly.
In cases where there is a possibility that our reply email may not be delivered, we may follow up with a phone call. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
This is an appointment-only establishment. Please book your desired visit date through this link.